Help Experian feed COVID-19 healthcare workers
Experian’s Asian American ERG is joining the #FeedYourHospital campaign to support our frontline healthcare workers and local Asian-cuisine restaurants in Austin, Texas and Orange County, California As you know, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to a rise in racist assaults and xenophobia across the country.
By supporting this effort, in partnership with Ascend, we hope to help both communities: healthcare workers and Asian-American restaurants.
Your donation is tax-deductible!
Thank you for your generous donation and support.
Feed Your Hospital Sponsorship Levels
If you or your company is interested in becoming a Sapphire, Ruby or Jade Sponsor by contributing $3,000 or more, please email us at for alternative payment methods (no fees) and invoicing.
What is Feed Your Hospital?
Feed Your Hospital delivers meals to healthcare workers on the frontline of COVID-19 by supporting local Asian restaurants in America’s most impacted communities.
Where does the money go?
Your donations will go directly to Feed Your Hospital, who collaborates with restaurants to develop special menu options for hospital deliveries, and coordinates deliveries directly with local hospitals. Credit card fees (4%) apply for each donation. Feed Your Hospital is 100% volunteer-run.
Is my donation tax-deductible?
Feed Your Hospital is fiscally sponsored by the Ascend Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization. For all donations, you will receive an official Ascend Foundation letter via e-mail acknowledging your donation, which can be used for tax purposes.
How can I give a large donation?
For large donations or to donate through your charitable trust, you can email us at or call us at +1(917) 232-8510 for wire details. Alternatively, donations by check can be sent to the Ascend Foundation at 160 Broadway 6th Floor E Bldg, New York, NY 10038. Please add “Feed Your Hospital - Experian Partner” in the memo line.