Feed Your Hospital delivers meals to frontline COVID-19 healthcare workers by supporting local Asian restaurants in America's most impacted communities.
There is nothing more core to Asian American identity than the Asian restaurant. For many of our families, this is how we first came to America. Feeding people is central to Asian culture; feeding healthcare workers allows us to take care of them.
Who we are
Lena Wu
Forensic Advisory, PricewaterhouseCoopers
Tina Xiao
Strategy, The Walt Disney Company, ABC News
Ben Xue
Chief Product Officer, Human Agency
Josh Boutin
National Coordinator
Michelle Ly
Data Analytics
Ascend GW
Philip Pan
Saloni Sharma
National Volunteer
Venture for America
Kevin Zhang
National Volunteer
Vanderbilt University
Misha Lau
Marketing & Analytics
Babson College
Jack Mok
National Volunteer
Vanderbilt University
Rebecca Jiang
Marketing & Digital Strategy
Babson College
Erik Lim
National Volunteer
Booz Allen Hamilton
Sydney Lam
University of California, Riverside