Lost Income Support Resources

National | Boston | New York | Seattle | California | Illinois | Georgia | Texas | More To Come

National Resources


United Way

United Way improves lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good.

See the link below for a list of city specific United Way Branch

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Meals On Wheels + Affiliates

Who: Adults 60 and over.

What: Meals on Wheels is a program that delivers meals to individuals at home who are unable to purchase or prepare their own meals.

Phone: 888-998-6325

Help or info | Volunteer

Feeding America

Who: Anyone who is in need of food.

What: Feeding America is a United States–based nonprofit organization that is a nationwide network of more than 200 food banks that feed more than 46 million people through food pantries, soup kitchens, shelters, and other community-based agencies.

Help or info | Volunteer

Rent assistance

Type in zip code to find resources in your location


US Government Support Summary

Who: Most programs require U.S. Citizenship.

What: Get information on government programs that may help you pay for food, housing, health care, and other basic living expenses. Find out about eligibility requirements for programs like food stamps, welfare, and Medicaid, and how to apply for them.

Help or info

COVID-19 Financial Solidarity

Google doc with both giving and receiving

Golden Rule Charity

You must be employed in a restaurant/hospitality establishment for 6 months. You must apply no later than 6 months after onset of need

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Pre-loaded gift cards and technology to offer funds immediately for individuals to purchase food “on-demand”.

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Restaurant Workers

Restaurant Workers’ Community Foundation - COVID19 Crisis Relief Fund

Who: Restaurant Workers

What: RWCF’s full focus is on supporting workers, small business owners, and an industry in crisis.

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ONE FAIR WAGE — Emergency Coronavirus Tipped and Service Worker Support Fund

Who: Restaurant workers, car service drivers, delivery workers, personal service workers and more who need the money

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Restaurant Opportunities Centers United

Who: Restaurant workers

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Children of Restaurant Employees (CORE)

Who: families with children who work in the food & beverage service industry and are experiencing crises or catastrophes - Due to the large demand and scope of COVID-19/Coronavirus, at this time, CORE can only support those f&b service employees who have tested POSITIVE for COVID-19/Coronavirus and have a child living in the home

Help or info

GiftForward Gift Certificate Purchase

If you’re a restaurant, sign up to be listed. If you’re a donor, purchase a gift certificate at a discount!


Various Organizations

Additional Info on Google Doc

Bartender Emergency Assistance Program

To qualify you must be a Bartender or the spouse or child of a Bartender.

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Freelance Artist Resource List

An aggregated list of FREE resources, opportunities, and financial relief options available to artists of all disciplines

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Emergency Relief Programs - Alliance of Artist Communities

Resources for Artists

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Emergency Grants - Women Arts

Resources specifically for Women in the Arts

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ART - Artist Relief Tree

Anyone who is an artist (of any kind) can request funds. We plan to fulfill every request with a flat US$250 on a first-come-first-serve basis.

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Adolph and Esther Gottlieb Foundation, Inc

Typically-$5,000 award to artists facing unexpected disasters.

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The Haven - Assistance for artists facing career-threatening emergencies

Offering interim financial assistance to freelance professionals in the arts who face crises.

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Foundation for Contemporary Arts Emergency Grants

FCA's mission to encourage, sponsor, and promote work of a contemporary, experimental nature, Emergency Grants provide urgent funding for visual and performing artists who:

  • Have sudden, unanticipated opportunities to present their work to the public when there is insufficient time to seek other sources of funding

  • Incur unexpected or unbudgeted expenses for projects close to completion with committed exhibition or performance dates

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Actors & Actresses

Actor's Fund Disability Support

Fund for anyone in in the Entertainment Industry with Disabilities.

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Actor's Fund Funeral & Burial Assistance

Fund for anyone in the entertainment industry needing end of life services

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Joan Mitchell Foundation Emergency Grants for 2020

Disasters are unpredictable, and the impact on an artist’s life and work can be devastating. To help artists get back to work, the Joan Mitchell Foundation provides grants of up to $6,000 to US-based visual artists who have suffered significant physical losses after natural or man-made disasters.

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The Musicians Foundation

Gives grants, up to $3,000, for medical and allied living expenses in emergencies, and pay these debts on behalf of the musicians we help.

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Greater Seattle Area


Neighborhood Small Business Relief Fund

To be eligible for a grant, recipients must be in Seattle (SLU or Regrade neighborhoods) or Bellevue WA, have fewer than 50 employees or less than $7 million in annual revenue.

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Hopelink can help pay your rent and heating as well as other help, in times of unexpected financial need including due to loss of income.

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Seattle Artist Relief Fund Amid COVID-19

This fund is for individual artists only who live in the greater Seattle area, not organizations or nonprofits. There are larger funds in the Seattle area dedicated to supporting orgs and nonprofits, and our focus is on the individual gig workers who need assistance now.

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Greater Boston Area


Emergency Grants - New York Foundation for the Arts

Website providing links to organizations in; Boston, Columbus, OH, NYC, Seattle,


City of Boston Mayor’s Office of Arts and Culture Artist Relief Fund

Grants of $500 and $1000 to individual artists who live in Boston whose creative practices and incomes are being adversely impacted by Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19)

Help or info | Volunteer

MA Unemployment

Massachusetts government website to apply for unemployment

Help or info

Massachusetts Mutual Aid Networks

Mutual Aid networks are set up in times of crisis to help neighborhoods with emergency response. This community-sourced google doc contains info for many neighborhoods in Massachusetts, including neighborhood point people, grocery information, lost income support, and more.


New York City



Small business owners in NYC

Help or info

Rauschenberg Emergency Grants

Visual and media artists and choreographers with one-time grants of up to $5,000 for medical emergencies

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NYC Artist / Freelancer Relief Fund

Fund for artists and freelancers

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NYC Small Business Services

Financial support for business owners in NYC

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NY Paid Sick Leave

Employee rights to sick leave NYC

Help or info

Emergency Grants - New York Foundation for the Arts

Website providing links to organizations in; Boston, Columbus, OH, NYC, and Seattle.




COVID-19 Unemployment and Paid Family Leave

We’re offering $500 relief grants for hospitality workers who lost their jobs or had their hours slashed in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. We’re also collecting donations from community members willing to help their hospitality-industry friends and neighbors stay afloat in this time of uncertainty.

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SF Summary of Resource

SF Chronicle

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Safety Net Fund

Artists that typically make their living offline at events & retail establishments that have been cancelled or closed due to coronavirus. This includes performing artists, musicians, visual artists, event producers, and other types of creators

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Zellerbach Family Foundation - Rapid Response Fund

Multiple Rapid Response Funds - can apply for emergency grants

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Off the Menu Los Angeles Restaurant Relief Fund

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California Restaurant Association Foundation

Restaurants Care grants are focused on restaurant workers who are: (1) diagnosed with coronavirus (COVID-19) or (2) those who have been quarantined with a doctor’s note

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Dining at a Distance

Use this aggregator to find what restaurants in the San Francisco area are open for take-out, curbside pick-up, or delivery during the lockdown of San Francisco’s restaurants and bars during COVID-19.

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Additional Resources


Chicago Emergency Rental Assistance

The Rental Assistance Program provides financial assistance to Chicago residents, directly related to the prevention of homelessness, to eligible individuals and families who are in danger of eviction in order to stabilize individuals and families in their existing rental unit.

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Illinois Department of Employment Security

Individuals whose unemployment is due to Covid-19.

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Southern Smoke Foundation

Emergency relief funds to to individuals in the food and beverage industry in crisis (prioritizing medical emergencies right now)

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Restaurants Care

We will continue to support food service workers with compassion and care by providing financial assistance to those in crisis due to an unexpected illness, injury, death of an immediate family member or housing disaster in Georgia.

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