Resource Database

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U.S. National Telos 123 U.S. National Telos 123

Actor's Fund Disability Support

Who can get help: Anyone in in the Entertainment Industry with Disabilities.

What: Through a Disabled Care Program, qualified social workers will develop plans personalized to their needs. This can range from income support, referrals, and assistance getting public and private benefits.

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Boston Telos 123 Boston Telos 123

Food For Free COVID-19 Volunteer Response

Who can get help: Applicants must live in Cambridge, and because of a disability or impairment, be unable to use existing food pantries. Applicants must also qualify as low-income under HUD guidelines (less than $34,350 per year for one person).

Who can help: People living in or near Cambridge

What: Food for Free brings food to low-income Cambridge residents who are unable to access traditional food pantries due to illness or disability. Food for Free differs from meals-on-wheels programs because it brings groceries to people so that the recipients can cook their own food. It gives seniors and people with disabilities more control over their meals, while providing a supportive service that helps them to stay in their own homes.

Phone: 617-868-2900

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