Resource Database
Search below for opportunities to get help, give help, or donate to people in your community.
Project N95
Who can get help: Healthcare institutions in need of personal protective equipment (PPE) can receive help.
Who can give help: Anyone with personal protective equipment to donate, or anyone who knows of hospitals needing supplies, can get involved.
What: Project N95 connects PPE donors and makers to those in need of PPE.
Donate PPE
Who can get help: Hospitals & healthcare professionals who need Personal Protective Equipment
Who can give help: Anyone
What: Connect hospitals and healthcare professionals with their local communities to get PPE.
Covid-19 Student Service Corps
Who can get help: Anyone in the support health care systems, patients, and communities during the pandemic.
Who can give help: Students at Columbia University's medical, public health, nursing, and dental schools
What: Students at Columbia University are staffing a community information line and creating a PPE task force to organize procurement, donation, and manufacturing of personal protective equipment. Student researchers are also volunteering in CUIMC laboratories that are engaged in time-sensitive COVID-19 projects. See link to New York Times article.