Setting up your FYH donation in the Experience App


Creating your first Experience

  1. Sign in to your chapter account (please ask your Chapter president or initiative lead for credentials)

  2. Select + New Experience

  3. Create a “payment or donation block”

    1. Title: Use concise title.

      • ex: Support our healthcare and restaurant workers!

    2. For Response Type, select Payment or donation

    3. Choose Payment values (We recommend choosing the following values. 86% of donors donated a button amount out of convenience.

      • $20

      • $50

      • $100

      • check on custom amount

    4. Select Data to collect: Email (some required fields are automatically selected in order for for 501c3 reporting)

    5. Toggle Display Goal & Metrics to show supporters how much you have raised

      • Goal is a drop down menu. Select Amount raised.

      • Count Funds from Account Wide so your entire chapter can track towards a unified goal

      • We recommend no other metrics until fundraising has started.

    6. Select your background - Upload your fundraising video!

      • If you are uploading from your phone, all your videos will be working super well

      • Some desktop browsers have trouble uploading certain video formats.

        • For .mov files, please try to use Google Chrome and in your file uploader, select Options > All Files

      • Check to see that the sound is working

    7. Publish your Experience! Now you have one payment block and can accept donations.

  4. Create a “free response” block

    1. Title: Type in a thank you title and ask people to say thank you to the hospital workers

      • ex: Thanks so much! Record or leave a message of support for the essential workers.

    2. No need to select any other options on this page

    3. Select your background

      • You can record or upload another video, or just add in a photo of your city or something that would resonate!

    4. Publish! Now you have a 2-block experience ready for sharing

  5. Share it!

    1. Click the Share or View button

    2. Copy the link

    3. Drop it into for link and source tracking!

Amazing! You’re all set. Please feel free to reach out to your chapter advisor or email us for any questions.